




why you here?

just want to be inactive on instagram.

Ok. i change my mind, i think i use instagram in worng way, this platform(instagram) must be a news from my friend, dont try to think about it, it will make you lose ur mind

if u not understand, this paragraph is generated from chat.openai.com

After much contemplation, I have come to a realization that I have been using Instagram in a way that doesn’t align with its true purpose. Instead of treating it as a platform to connect with my friends and be informed about their lives, I have been trying to find deeper meaning in every post. This has led me to overanalyze and overthink, causing unnecessary stress and mental fatigue. Henceforth, I have decided not to overthink the content on Instagram and embrace it as a place to stay updated with my friends’ news and daily experiences without getting lost in overthinking.

